Friday, July 13, 2007


Today was pretty interesting in my mood shifted because of receiving information. I was high at one moment very low at another due to lack of faith and trust in my growth process. I still expect things to work a certain way because of my definition of “doing the right things” and when it does not, doubt enters and my relationship as a child of God leaves. I am too much into worldly things to define my importance and that is what slows me down on my path. What does any of this have to do with Enthusing? A whole lot. From the course notes: To enthuse someone means to make someone enthusiastic about something. The act involves “energizing the moment”. When I am feeling low or doubtful, enthusing is a wonderful tool used correctly to remind me of my gifted place in the grand beauty of things.

As I mentioned in a earlier blog, I am also enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. One of our many assignments before “officially” taking classes, is to give Complementary Health Histories to practice. Today was my first time receiving as well as giving a health history and it could have not been more perfect. I became excited by the acknowledgments of Lisa who went over the form I filled out. She instinctively knew when to give praise and when to challenge me to finally address structure (a future blog). She asked me to set days in the week to celebrate and acknowledge my accomplishments and I was like “I do not want to be tied down”, then it dawned on me: I am doing this for me, aren’t I important and valuable to do this for. I felt another veil dropping and knew I am one more step closer to truly loving and valuing myself. I am worthy to set aside time to lovingly show myself how much I value me and what I have completed and what I deserve to have more of in my life and what I can share in return to others.

What I also witnessed from Lisa and my session was the healing power of listening. When you allow someone the space to speak, it can be a very rewarding growth experience for both parties. I heard myself in Lisa’s words, I felt her trying to wrap her head around ideas, I sensed her determination not to go back, but to move ahead in light and love, I laughed in my soul with her soul. Present listening allowed both of us to connect and to productively help to heal something within each other and it was a beautiful thing to be a part of. The essence of our session was the enthusing we gave to each other and it was real, heartfelt and very healing.

Thank you Lisa for providing nourishment to me on my journey to love.

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